I realized something.
I'm not so good at pimping myself.
I've re-committed to Satan's Bookclub, and being a better book blogger. Consider this pimped. You can look forward to some more blatant pimping in the future.
« Glasses! Oh, no, mom! Not glasses! They'll make me look absolutely positively goofy! | Main | Our Man on the Street, Lloyd, reports from the Fun Hole. »
I'm not so good at pimping myself.
I've re-committed to Satan's Bookclub, and being a better book blogger. Consider this pimped. You can look forward to some more blatant pimping in the future.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I just finished "The Stupidest Angel" by Christopher Moore. Laughed out loud in an airport. People actually got up and moved away from me. A good Christmas tale :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
28 septembre 2005 19h26
Self pimping is the way to go! err, or so I hear.
Posted by: Christine | 29 septembre 2005 4h57
I tried that, but my penis never got that much bigger...
Oh, I thought you wrote "self-PUMPing."
My Bad.
Posted by: Thomas | 29 septembre 2005 8h11