Hooray Hooray it's Neil Gaiman Day!
Tonight Louise and I are going to hear Neil Gaiman read or speak or answer questions or do whatever he wants. It's all good to us. We have books to be signed as well. We already have our tickets for the line. You get a numbered ticket to keep things orderly. I am number 419. Can you believe that? That's a metric buttload of books he is signing every time he stops in some city. He's going to need a bionic hand. But that would rule because then he could crush things with his bare hand. And probably play a kick ass game of tiddlywinks as well. Or marbles.
Anyway, yes. That's tonight. And I am excited to see all the people signing up for nanowrimo! Oh the fun we shall have. Trust me! It will be great. I have my 2003 Nanowrimo shirt on today, as a matter of fact. One of them. it's not a significant event in life if it doesn't come with a t-shirt!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam."it's not a significant event in life if it doesn't come with a t-shirt"
amen sista. that phrase right there needs to be on its own t-shirt. :)
i'm not wearing my nanowrimo 2003 shirt right now because my silly POE frowns on shirt wearing. but i DID bring it with me to wear to school tonight. :)
gah! is it november 1st yet?????
Posted by: loon
4 octobre 2005 13h57
You are such a cool stalker!
Posted by: DrinkJack
4 octobre 2005 16h31