I'm being held captive by mutant nocturnal spiders!
Louise stood me up for the Neil Gaiman signing last night. I got her a book signed anyway. She's lucky I didn't have it signed to Sucko McSuckypants. That's Scottish, right? Feh, I owed her a signed book anyway. But that is not the point. I did run into someone from work, so I didn't have to sit all by myself.
Speaking of spiders - Neil Gaiman's latest book is about Anansi the African Spider God. And his sons. - lately the little buggers have been trying to trap me in my house. Many many little freakies have been building their webs above and around the doors to my house. Sometimes spanning the doorway, from shrub to shrub, in the middle of the night so I walk straight into it in the morning, resulting in a little dance in which i drop everything to swat at myself, jumping about the driveway, and brushing off dozens and dozens of invisible spiders. And shrieking. Like a girl. Here's the thing, these spiders? They only come out at night. And they are HUGE mutherfucking spiders. I am serious. I know I am prone to exaggeration. At times. But these creepy spiders are ginormous. Ok, they are not tarantulas, but I am thinking that there were some weird mutant spiders born in my yard over the summer. Because I have never seen so many that big.
I asked my stepdad about them, and he said, "Oh, yes, well it's getting colder, they are starting to move in."
"Move in? Move in how? What move in?"
"Move in closer to the house, in the house, they do it every year."
"Over my dead arachnophobic body!"
So I have to use a broom and play web demolition. I don't like to do it, webs are pretty and look like hard work. But there ain't no freakin' way I am letting them slide their leggies into my house. Besides, why do they have to hang out in my doorways? Why do they have to attach themselves to my recycling bin? There are two sides of the house I never visit, why don't they go build their communities over there? They probably have, I just haven't looked. There is probably a whole cabana of spiders living outside my bedroom window. Well, they are all coming down. New rule, webs are only welcome 10 feet from the house, and may not touch the house, my car, or my trash receptacles. I'm arming myself with my broom when I get home. Before it gets dark, that is.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.You seem like a funny, fun (there IS a difference) and intelligent sort of person. I saw your name on someone else's blog and snuck in on ya. (is snuck a word?) I liked your 100 facts, I agree they are fun to do and 1,000 fun facts would be a welcome challenge for me. I hope you do get to know me as I overload your blog with comments! ha ha
Posted by: Theresa | 5 octobre 2005 12h08
A whole cabana of spiders? Ha! I love that description. Lemme know if the spiders obey these new rules. If they do I might try to negotiate a treaty with the legions of insects that are hovering just outside of or crawling, flying and creeping into my home.
Posted by: Christine | 5 octobre 2005 12h29
Just thinking, but if you distract them by knocking down their homes, aren't they just then looking for new housing developments?
Not sure if these are the ones at your place, but the Orb Web Weavers are typically the ones that put up the huge, perfect webs and then sit smack dab in the middle. I used to catch bugs and try to throw them into the web :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
5 octobre 2005 17h40
So, how was the signing? And how is the book?
Posted by: Chris | 5 octobre 2005 18h05
how many times do i have to tell you that spiders are our FRIENDS!
Posted by: river selkie | 5 octobre 2005 20h08
Oh man, if there is one thing in this world that sends me into Sonic Human mode, it's a spider - I leave a puff of smoke like the Roadrunner when I see one; hell, if I THINK I see one.
It's one of many failings.
I'm following the breadcrumbs from Betty Crocker's cupboard to get here. Hope you don't mind. I like the writing - catchy and fun.
Posted by: James | 6 octobre 2005 9h14
Welcome Theresa and James!
Jack, they may need to look for new housing developments, and they are welcome too. I am not bothering the spider webs that are stretched between the pine trees, or between shrubbery and the fence.
River, spiders are not my friends. I'm sorry. I like the work they do. I support them doing that. However, i do not want them in my house. Or on my body. I believe in live and let live, as long as you don't come into my house.
Posted by: Jodi
6 octobre 2005 10h47