Such proposals as slum clearance, public housing, educational facilities for the poor, are all wise and worthy measures and consequently will be opposed vigorously.
The housing restrictions I have imposed upon the spiders living in my yard has been violated repeatedly. They seem to have no respect for The Broom. Overnight, the biggest spider of them all, I call him Petrov, rebuilt his web. He likes the spot right in front of the flood light, right hand corner, in front of the garage. His web stretches from the eaves of the roof, to the ground. It's that ginormous. I tried to take a picture of him, but it was dusk, and it didn't turn out well.
I was feeling fairly benevolent, leaving him and his brethren alone, as I had just finished reading Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman. I wouldn't say that I had gone soft on the spider issue. But perhaps I was feeling momentarily kind towards them. That was until I had to sweep webs away just to open the garage door. [It opens by hand, not remote. Half my stuff, more than half, is stored in the garage, so I sometimes go out trolling for lost items.] The next time Petrov, and his spider buddies, leave their colossal webbed structures, I'm bringing out The Broom. And we are going to repeat this process until they quit populating the entrances and exits to building structures, i.e.: the garage, the front door, the back door.
Sad news, kids... The Fun Hole has closed for the season. No more Fun Hole fun until next spring.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Damn free thinking arachnids. When will they ever learn!!!
Ok, what part of "Fun" and "Hole" is seasonal?
Posted by: DrinkJack
11 octobre 2005 17h12
Last night after I took my seat in the reading room (the ceramic seat right next to the bathtub), my eyes fell to the floor.
There was a spider so large next to the wall -- and it was so unexpected -- that I yelled loud enough that the spider reacted.
I don't know if he heard the sound or felt the vibration of the sound waves, but he hopped a little when I yelled.
He didn't seem to notice the vacuum hose closing in on him just before it sucked him up.
I could feel him bounce down the vacuum hose.
Posted by: delmer | 11 octobre 2005 19h38
It's all downhill when the Fun Hole closes.
Posted by: Chris | 12 octobre 2005 6h55