Ride the rainbow to happiness
Yesterday morning, when I started my car, the radio came on in the middle of a commercial about a magical place. A place so wonderful it had unicorns and rainbows and marzipan forests or some such craziness. it was way over the top, I thought it was either a commercial about a christmas store, or car insurance. But no, this magical place? Canada! It's true! it's for a website called comeseecanadanow.com.
I told some friends about this commercial, and, honestly, most people did not believe me. They said, "you are just looking for an excuse to visit Canada!"
But I told them I don't need an excuse to visit Canada, I have tons of 'em and I can visit any old time I want. Besides, as an American who lives only a couple of hours from the border, I have the default, built in excuse... Tylenol 3. Not that I would bring that back. I'm more apt to bring back smarties. They are such pretty colors.
But then, I heard the commercial again today. And I learned that, in addition to unicorns, there are faeries and gingerbread houses and a sea of gumdrops and marzipan! And all you have to do to get there is ride the Rainbow of Happiness! This is fabulous! I'm so excited.
However, I want to know... where are said unicorns? I have been to Vancouver several times. I've seen not a one. Tell me, Canadian friends... where do you keep the unicorns? Perhaps in the mystical and far away Nova Scotia? I think my friend Elle would tell me if she had unicorns in Nunavut. She'd at least send a picture.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.There's really more to Canada than I've given it credit for.
Posted by: Chris | 9 novembre 2005 17h20
Sounds like someone has been hitting the Canadian weed a little too long ....
Posted by: DrinkJack
9 novembre 2005 17h22
Faeries and unicorns ans marzipan, oh my! I could use a rainbow of happiness today. Too bad there isn't one in Georgia. I have seen a few deer around here with deformed antlers but never a unicorn. Of course, if there were unicorns in GA we'd probably hunt and eat them. You'd come to my house and say "Mmmm, that smells yummy! What is it?" And I'd say "Oh that's my unicorn and mashed potato casserole! It's magical!"
Posted by: Christine | 9 novembre 2005 17h24
i have not been smoking weed! in fact, i heard the commercial on the way home. they also have crimson skies with cotton candy and jelly beans that promise a brighter tomorrow.
Posted by: Jodi
9 novembre 2005 17h55
But we do have magical things in Nunavut. They are called Aurora Borealis and they are all the colours of the rainbow :) We also have magical animals like polar bears and wolves....and unicorns of course.
Posted by: elle | 10 novembre 2005 12h39
I'm a bit disappointed. I live about three hours from Canada and there are no "Come visit Canada" commercials playing here. Do the Canadians NOT want Ohioans to visit?
These people probably know where the unicorns are:
(Though it looks like I'm a bit late with the weed reference.)
Posted by: delmer | 10 novembre 2005 13h12
Yes, Canada has all that and more. But as a Canadian currently living in Georgia and pining for the magical gumdrop trees and gold-foil-wrapped milk chocolate sidewalks of home, I can tell you this: Christine, the only mythical creature Georgia has is the giant flying cockroach. Would that they were only a myth. . .
Posted by: jodi | 11 novembre 2005 9h00
"unicorns, there are faeries and gingerbread houses and a sea of gumdrops and marzipan!"
Yes! All within the disgustingly ornate "Santa's Village" in the shopping centre connected to my workplace! Conveniently located within the nation's capital!
It scares me. Time for a Smarties binge.
Posted by: madrigalia | 15 novembre 2005 18h02
Cool commercial. They must have great weed up there.
Posted by: bob | 20 novembre 2005 7h31
Wow. I think someone's been smoking some canadian marijuana!
Posted by: bobby | 23 décembre 2005 12h08