Don't hate me because I'm speechless
How disappointed would you be in me, if I failed to complete the NaNoWriMo challenge this year? I'm just not writing anything. I've been doing a lot of Not Writing. Spending hours at it, really. Every night, I come home from work, change out of my binding party clothes and into my geek butt yoga pants - which you would think would be inspirational, wouldn't you? - and sit down on the couch with the laptop and Not Write. I spent hours on Sunday Not Writing. It's somewhat painful, actually.
I'm not giving up yet... I'm just saying. I might not win this year. Don't keep your hopes too high, but it's never over until November 30th at 11:59 pm PST.
I'm going to make cookies now. By the way, I can not recommend highly enough, the geek butt yoga pants, they are übercomfortable.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.oooo. I want geek butt yoga pants too! My butt is definitely a geek. :-)
Posted by: Lara | 9 novembre 2005 22h10
I hate you because you are hairless, not because you are speechless. ;-)
No one could be disappointed in you Jodi!
Posted by: Christine | 10 novembre 2005 6h31
I believe that your poor Sims have been neglected... Perhaps you could send them off to Uni!
Posted by: Thomas | 10 novembre 2005 8h07
Don't feel bad, I'm having the same problem too . . . even down into changing into my grey yoga pants at night after work, sitting down, and . . . oooh, shiny, shiny! Must do something else! . . . or else, I nod off, face-first, into the couch pillows. ;)
Posted by: Random Kath | 10 novembre 2005 8h15
i'm not writing either. i *think* about writing, which is something. maybe. but i'm not worried. yet. because i forsee a 30,000-words-weekend in my future. oh yes i do.
hopefully making cookies is inspiring :)
Posted by: loon
10 novembre 2005 9h44
You could always do 30,000 one-word poems...
Posted by: DrinkJack
10 novembre 2005 17h29