Christine says I'm cute when I am PMSey
I am annoyed. The stupid windows laptop I brought home from work will not connect to my wireless network. I've tried. I can't get it to work. Therefore it is both annoying and retarded. I am not retarded, the laptop is. It can just fuck right the hell off!! All I wanted to do was play a little online poker with William, obviously I would be doing the winning. That's all I wanted. But most, ie: 99% of online poker sites are not mac compatible. Including the one he plays on. Therefore, they are also annoying and retarded. Not William, the online poker sites. The fact that they are not mac compatible makes them retarded and elitist and fucked up and I hate them.
I felt the need to express my anger. I would strongly suggest that no one leave a comment telling me to get a pc so I can play poker. I am not the one who needs to change in this world. It's them. They know who they are. Fuckers.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.My wireless connection on my laptop kept dropping last night. Then I realized it happened whenever Beth was using the cordless phone. I called the phone a fucker too.
Posted by: Chris | 15 novembre 2005 4h59
If it's Windows XP, the problem is one of three things:
Posted by: Thomas | 15 novembre 2005 8h42
1. The wireless radio is turned off. Click Start, go to the Control Panel and select System. Click on the Hardware tab and go into Device Manager. If disabled, the Network Adapters section should be expanded out, showing the wireless adapter with a red X on it. Double click the adapter to re-enable it. You should get the bubble showing that a network is in range.
Posted by: Thomas | 15 novembre 2005 8h50
2. You have not connected to the wireless access point. Click Start, go to the Control Panel and select Network Connections. Double click the Wireless Network Connection option. If you don't see your wireless network at first, click Refresh Network List on the left side of the window.
Posted by: Thomas | 15 novembre 2005 8h50
3. You're using an Apple AirPort wireless adapter. Unplug your high speed connection cable from the cable-dsl modem to the AirPort box, then turn off the cable-dsl modem. Plug the cable from the modem to your POWERED OFF laptop (hardwired in the ethernet port on the laptop, almost like you were hooking up the AirPort box.) Turn on the cable-dsl modem, wait for the connection light to stay on solid, then boot the laptop. AirPort to PC works sometimes, but in my experience it's spotty at best.
Posted by: Thomas | 15 novembre 2005 8h51
Sorry you're feeling grumpy. Hopefully online play will help your mood.
Posted by: Thomas | 15 novembre 2005 8h51
Thomas! You are tech supporting me! that's very sweet of you. I will try these things when I get home. Thanks for the suggestion.
Posted by: Jodi
15 novembre 2005 9h07
Can you check out a Windows PC Wireless router as well?
Posted by: DrinkJack
15 novembre 2005 16h52