Evildeb put devils in my head and Harry Potter day.
Today is Harry Potter day. My Place Of Employment is hosting a screening tonight, for it's employees, and family, only. I am soooo excited. So freakin' excited. I can barely stand it. How am I supposed to get any work done, knowing that I am hours away from the new Harry Potter movie? Additionally, it is Tessa's birthday. So we are leaving here a bit early and convening at a restaurant next to the theatre to have cocktails. So you know what that means? It means it's another Get Paco Drunk Thursday!! Hooray! I wish I had a video camera. Everyone wish Paco good luck, as he reads my blog.
Evildeb was doing my hair today, because it was very big and also in my face. She put chopsticks with devil heads on them. They look like antennae coming out of my head. But I like them. They are festive, which is appropriate for such a festive day. They look festive, I just look insane. Paco took a picture. Then he added some flare.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.What if I choose not to drink? Oh the fallacy of that statement. JUST STAY OFF THE ROADS EVERYONE!
Posted by: Paco | 17 novembre 2005 13h10
I'm so jealous! Both of the early screening and tiny fists of doom!
Posted by: Lara | 17 novembre 2005 15h12
i just remembered that it's harry potter thursday for you!!! of course, i remembered because i thought, "it's 4:38pm... why aren't jodi and i distracting each other yet?"
Posted by: arifa
17 novembre 2005 16h39
Enjoy Harry. Oh. That sounds dirty. You know what I mean.
Posted by: Chris | 17 novembre 2005 17h00
So, which deadly dwarf, um, SIN are we going to be writing about today?
Posted by: Thomas | 18 novembre 2005 7h04
how was it? how was it? i think we're going to see it tonight. it was weir cause yesterday i really wanted to go and i couldn't, and to remind me of the fact, i worked with this girl who looks immensely like hermione. i had to keep reminding myself that, no, it couldn't be her undercover to research a role.
Posted by: river selkie | 19 novembre 2005 9h20
I guess I will have to wish Paco past luck or luck for the next Thursday drunk fest.
I already know the answer, but how was the flick?
Posted by: DrinkJack
19 novembre 2005 13h33