50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 33
Continuing on through the seven deadly sins, today's theme is gluttony. Sorry I am late in getting the FWF up this morning. Please refer to last week's sin Sloth.
He looked up at me with those soft brown eyes, to sleepy to even raise his head. I put my hand on his rounded tummy and gave it a rub and he gave a grateful tail wag.
"Gluttonous little puppy, you see what happens when you eat an entire ham?"
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam."Fifteen hundred dollars for an elbow?!?" My shock was understandable: All I wanted was a replacement for the one the mob shattered. I scanned the list and found something strange. "Why are the knees so cheap?" I asked. The surgeon shrugged his shoulders and said, "There's a glut on knees."
Posted by: Thomas | 18 novembre 2005 8h32
She lay on the floor groaning in pain, wishing she could undo the last few minutes. There was frosting and crumbs covering her fingers and around her mouth yet still she hungered for more.
Nothing else could bring out the glutton in her like those cupcakes! Damn that Cupcake Royale!
Posted by: zanie | 18 novembre 2005 10h11
The bartender rolled his eyes as I motioned for another.
"Don't you think that you should pace yourself?"
"What for?"
"Gluttony is a sin ..."
"You know, Father Murphy, you really should lay off that seven sins sermon after the little Danny boy incident."
"Ah, so will that be a double, sir?"
Posted by: DrinkJack
19 novembre 2005 13h46
I’m not wise, I just ran out of options.
Some believe in an intelligent design. I respect these people, but I do feel that that they are wrong. I would feel no shame in that. I respect a lot of people that were wrong. Melville dedicated many pages of “Moby Dick” stating that he felt that whales were indeed fish, and not mammals. This perhaps is the great luxury of the written word; truth although implied, is never guaranteed. At least never in any specific amount. But I am drifting off topic. This was not the subject that I wanted to discuss.
Posted by: mercy circus | 19 novembre 2005 14h14