They're Bouncy Bouncy Fun Fun Fun Fun!
Evildeb is not here this week. She may be at home, building her shrine to Johnny Cash, or baking pies for thanksgiving, I'm not sure. The rest of us are left here, at Grump Central. There are a lot of bad moods around here today. And maybe it's because of air stagnation. We are under an air stagnation advisory. This is due to a high pressure front that remains over the pacific northwest, trapping all the pollution and smog and other nasties in the air. It's super foggy in the morning and evening, and the air is icky. Maybe that's what is making everyone crabby, I don't know. But until it rains on Thursday evening, we remain under a cloud.
In an effort to snap out of it, I give you this happy video of one of my sims jumping on the couch. Isn't that cheery?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I think we should all go jump on a couch or bed. If you can find someone you love, or at least like a good bit, you should jump in tandem, holding hands. Let's report back tomorrow and see if any of us feel any better.
Posted by: Christine | 22 novembre 2005 11h32
ack, that's why my run was so miserable today. Running over the UVillage bridge smelled like trash in a serious way. Blech.
Posted by: Lara | 22 novembre 2005 12h03
You know, its all fun and games until you lose a virtual eye. Or get a virtual concussion.
Posted by: Chris | 22 novembre 2005 12h13
Do they do that a lot? I mean bounce :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
22 novembre 2005 17h19
I like it better when they play "pirate" in the bathtub, personally.
Posted by: Marie
23 novembre 2005 11h00