Something weird is going on...
I'm cleaning. No, seriously, I am! Watch!
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I'm cleaning. No, seriously, I am! Watch!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid i *guess* it looks clean. ;)
Posted by: river selkie | 4 décembre 2005 18h08
it's not. i had the cam on while i was cleaning. of course, i wasn't always in front of it. anyway, i quit cleaning in favor of a free meal.
i have my priorities straight!
Posted by: Jodi
4 décembre 2005 18h18
Uh, all I see if blurry lights. Maybe they had been cleaned too much?
Posted by: DrinkJack
4 décembre 2005 20h07
Um... was this "cleaning" really just you showering... because that would be as hot as a pair of rayon panties on a dancer wearing pleather pants... ;)
Posted by: Thomas | 5 décembre 2005 11h00
nope it was me, cleaning my office. of course, i didn't finish.
it's a rare and unsettling occurrence... me cleaning of my own free will.
Posted by: Jodi
5 décembre 2005 12h15