50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 36
Hello, today's 50 Word Fiction theme is the last sin in our Seven Weeks of Sin theme - Evildeb's favorite sin - Anger.
Anger Management
Through a haze of dog hair floating in the air, the boy looked at his parents, and then down tot he electric razor in his hand. The dog happily wagged his now bald rump.
"I'm sensing a lot of anger in this room. I probably need a time out, huh?"
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.The following poem is entitled "You're OK, I'm OK and other fallacies."
Remeber me, bitch?
Not so much?
Let me jog your memory...
You're a bitch.
And I hate you.
You recognize me now?
What about that time you were a bitch
and I hated you?
does that help?
Look in the mirror.
How about now?
I hate you.
Posted by: evil deb | 9 décembre 2005 9h53
What the hell do you mean, “I need more space.”? You moved to bloody Florida from Seattle! How much more “space” do you need? Oh wait, maybe you should move to freakin’ Antarctica! There’s plenty of “space” there, you numb nuts! And before you go, ship my damn cupcakes back!
Posted by: zanie | 9 décembre 2005 12h45
I’m just trying to get stoned. That immaculate feeling that was once experienced, and never relived. I am an incurable sober.
Posted by: I really do not know | 11 décembre 2005 7h51
The drinks flowed throughout the night at the local Oakland tavern. Raiders vs Chiefs played in overtime, all eyes riveted. Two seconds to go, Chiefs attempt a 52 yard field goal. It's, it's, it's goooooood.
"Yesssssss!", screamed someone in the back.
Heads swiveled around, spying Chief's red, anger grew.
Posted by: DrinkJack
11 décembre 2005 17h00
thanks for the stories everyone. yay!
Posted by: jodi | 11 décembre 2005 22h34
As I had already surpassed anger, I decided there had to be a new level up upsetness. As ire was to irate, and anger was to angry, I knew my new word would need to be conjugatable. After much inner debate, I came up with "fuckyew" and it's derivation "fuckyewtu".
Posted by: Thomas | 12 décembre 2005 8h13