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Can crusher kaeru-kun

Can someone tell me where to get one of these anywhere in North America? I need one baaaaaad!


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Oh, NORTH america .... well, I will keep my eye out for one. If I was guessing, I would Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but nothing on their web site.

Either you can create your own and make a fortune...OR you can use your head like everyone else.

ask the internet and ye shall receiving blessing upon you in the form of comments ....

the frog can crusher will be mine. oh yes, it will be mine.

Heyyyyy... I think I just found a late addition to my Christmas wish list!

Well, it seems like your question has been answered, but thanks for the link to the site!

If you find out, please let me know ;-) I must crush something with a frog's ass.

that is freakin' awesome. i totally want one...