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Greetings from the couch

Hey kids, today the dial up access officially pissed me off, which means I am getting better. My voice is back, now I just sound like a regular kid with a cold. I did do more than just read and lie here today, I did clean the kitchen an itty bitty bit. Did more stuff around the house. Although not much. I am predicting a banner day of productivity tomorrow, tho. I have a Then and Now Christmas post I want to do, but I won't be able to do it with dial up. It would make me insane. So I might go to the library. I need to talk to a librarian anyway. I miss 'em. Haven't been 'round to see them lately.

Additionally, the jodicam has been offline forever. Also a victim of dial up, although it wouldn't do much good to be online, since I haven't been in the office in days. I could have set up a couch cam, but the last few days were not pretty. No one needs to see that much phlegm.

Pru's playing in the garbage, I gotta go...




Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

glad to see you're starting to feel better. work has been BORING without you to distract me.

Glad to hear you are feeling better! Just in time for Christmas.

i've been sick too. i bet you gave it to me.

thanks for that.


Glad you're doing a little better. Can't be sick for the holidays!!