That's very amusing, because in France he would be executed for this.
Scene: a large conference room, several rows of chairs facing the front. Tessa and Jodi sit on the far right of one of these rows. Evildeb sits on the far left, one row up. A business credo, if you will, is displayed on the wall, "A good plan executed violently this week, is better than a great plan executed perfectly next week"
Tessa: I don't know about the word "violently," it scares me. I don't like it.
Jodi: Deb does, I bet.
Jodi and Tessa look over at Evildeb on the other side of the room. She is nodding her head, with a grin on her face. Her hands are clinched in TINY FISTS OF DOOM.
Jodi: See? I told you she would.
Later that same day...
Evildeb: I like doing things VIOLENTLY!!
Jodi: Like executing?
Jodi: I knew you'd like that.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Should they really be promoting violence at the workplace? I mean, it is not like they have a punching bag setup or anything.
Posted by: DrinkJack
19 décembre 2005 16h31
You know what is upseting me violently? (NO, not that.) The fact that your comments refuse to remember my information no matter how many times I check the little box. HOW ANNOYING!
I could be over reacting. Yeah I am. :-)
Posted by: Christine | 20 décembre 2005 5h32
no, they do that to me as well. plus, i seem to have lost the type pad options. i haven't figured it out yet. sorry.
Posted by: Jodi
20 décembre 2005 9h48
Where does the HE come in?
Is evil Deb a hermaphrodite?
Posted by: Pauly D | 21 décembre 2005 8h26
Man, it took me like 3 hours to figure out where the HE came from. I'd change it to SHE but it's a movie quote.
However, I asked Deb if she were a hermaphrodite, and she said "yes."
Posted by: Jodi
21 décembre 2005 10h58