Happy Solstice and Stupd Cookies
I'm annoyed. I'm trying to upload a song for an audio post that is perfect for today. TODAY. It has to be today. But dial up is slow. I'm also annoyed because I have to make cookies for a cookie swap tomorrow at work, and I do NOT enjoy cooking.
Anyway, for those of you who are saddened by the shorter days, who start to worry on June 21st about the days getting shorter, you can shut up now. It's all uphill from here. They days are just going to get longer and longer. I am not one of you. I get happier when the days get shorter. I do well in the dark. Like a mushroom. But Evildeb is one of you. She likes hot, sunny climes. Like .... HELL! I'm more of a moonlight girl. Not to say winter is my favorite season. That would be fall, followed closely by spring. Summer can kiss my air conditioned ass, because at least in winter, I can pile on the comforters and sleep all snuggly.
Still waiting for that song to upload.....
Opps... turns out you are supposed to grease the pan first. Can you grease a pan with butter? Because that's all I've got that's greasy. I've got plenty of sticky stuff, but not a lot of greasy. Butter it is! Oh, and about the vanlla... bad news about that, I'm afraid. While I have consumed these cookies before, I've never actually made them. Seemed simple enough. Ha! This does not bode well. I'm going to end up buying cookies I just know it.
So here is your song. It's called "The Christians and the Pagans" by Dar Williams. My favorite part has always been when Jane explains to the kid what it means to be a pagan vs a christian. "You find magic in your God, and we find magic everywhere." While I am not a pagan, I am a unitarian, and that's always the way I've looked at the world.
The Christians and the Pagans - Dar WilliamsHappy Solstice everyone!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Hey kid, too bad about your failed chemistry in the kitchen, somehow im sure you compensate in other areas, That may tie into why you prefer longer nights.
Posted by: dog in the sand | 22 décembre 2005 5h23
Jodi this song rocks! :-)
Posted by: Christine | 22 décembre 2005 6h06
Sand-Dog, I'm sure Jodi would rather be making the love than making the cookies.
"Make love not war(m cookies)!
Posted by: Thomas | 22 décembre 2005 10h11
Today is 3 seconds longer than yesterday.
It's all uphill from here. Or is it downhill? Well whatever. Tomorrow is gong to be 9 seconds longer than today and that's what counts.
Posted by: Evil Deb | 22 décembre 2005 12h27
I sure hope it is an exponential curve...
Posted by: DrinkJack
22 décembre 2005 17h17