Listen up, myspace users...
Those of you who hot link to images on my blog, and use my bandwidth for your crappy pages, I've had about enough of you. What you are doing is rude, and inconsiderate, and I'm going to start messing with stuff so you will learn your lesson. And it creeps me out how many times you guys use pictures of my kitties face in your stupid comments you leave on other crappy myspace pages.
I'm just saying... it's not polite!! You don't even ask!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Easy solution. Change the pic to something porno with the same URL.
Worked with my blog!
Posted by: Lewis | 22 décembre 2005 14h58
thanks for visiting my site, Yah looks like it will rain in the Pac. North Wet.
Posted by: air | 22 décembre 2005 16h38
That's just rude as hell. I would replace it with a "I'm a web loser" picture. But then again, they would still stealing your bandwidth.
Posted by: DrinkJack
22 décembre 2005 17h12
i thought about the porn thing. and then i thought about replacing the images with ones that said "please do not steal bandwidth, it's rude" or something like that. but what i did, to a couple of the images, was change their names and then edited the corresponding blog posts appropriately. the people who actually use the images in their "design" bother me the most.
Posted by: Jodi
22 décembre 2005 22h53