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Merry Christmas from the Family

This is what my cousin Kirsten put in my stocking.


I drove the speed limit the entire holiday. Pretty much. For the most part.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.


Hmmmm. Something tells me this is one gag gift that might actually see some use. ;-)

Hummmm, intesting thoughts raced through my brain.....did keys come with those?

no cops this time to go with those fluffy cuffs? perhaps we can all pitch in...whaddya say guys?

you know what the best part about putting those in your stocking? that I got to tell the whole family about my trip to the sex toy store. but that was before a certain cousin was looking in a certain aunt's photo album, at which point, my sex shop escapade seemed a bit boring... gotta love our family! :P

Cute and furry! =)

I can't wait to see what Thomas' comment to this one is going to be! Hehehehehe

ha! awesome!

Do things like that come with a key? Or are they like magician's handcuffs, and there's some sort of secret latch?

Up here in Canada we call American Cops "the Fuzz". Up here they are called "Johnny Law"

Oooh, fuzzy purple cuffs! Pretty.