This e-store will surely change our life for the better, so get happy!
Oh the debate rages on. This is better than the time I brought up the warm smell of colitas. I've tried to stay out of it as much as possible, and let ya'll work it out for yourselves. The correct answer is, of course, Yoda. We had an equally exciting debate around here as well. And here is how it started, the way all good philosophical debates start, with an online quiz.
A venerated sage with vast power and knowledge, you gently guide forces around you while serving as a champion of the light.
"Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not - for my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life greets it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, and binds us. Luminescent beings are we, not this crude matter! You must feel the Force around you, everywhere."
My result. Paco, he sits next to me said, "Cool! Awesome! I love this. This is cooler than Yoda!" What did he get? Picard. I begged to differ. And there you go. Dr. Stevil said "you are so NOT yoda!" but he's just jealous because he's some stupid hobbit.
I've had a headache for about six days now, and I'm well and truly sick of it. It must be all my vast power and knowledge.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I did this one a while back and I was rather displeased with the result.
Here it is.
Posted by: Lewis | 3 janvier 2006 11h37
Huh. I was Aragon, from The LOTR trilogy. It said:
Putting your appointed path ahead of any inner conflicts, you make your own rules for the benefit of all.
Yeah I can buy that. SO where do I fall in the coolness scale?
Posted by: Christine | 3 janvier 2006 12h37
I scored a Yoda, so I guess should end the debate :) Unsure of which way though :(
Posted by: DrinkJack
3 janvier 2006 15h39
I was Harry Potter.
The plot thickens.....hehehe
Posted by: Marie
3 janvier 2006 18h06
I'm this chick. I guess she's kindof hot, so I'll go with it...
Posted by: Kirsten | 3 janvier 2006 19h46
christine, while i know you as aragorn rank pretty high on the coolness are right on top of the hotness scale.
Posted by: river selkie | 3 janvier 2006 20h24
jodi- thank you for setting everyone straight. yoda IS way cooler. tho evil deb brought up some excellent examples to define cool. angry wesley....damn cool. callisto...way fucking cool. etc.
Posted by: river selkie | 3 janvier 2006 20h33
I was Raistlin Majere, something about having vast power and controlling the universe in a bad-ass way. I feel it was a mistake, now excuse me, I have to do something about this stupid "gravity" concept... There, done... Where was I?
Posted by: Thomas | 4 janvier 2006 10h41
Picard is still the BEST!
Posted by: Paco | 4 janvier 2006 12h51
that stupid test said i was james t. kirk. i don't wanna be kirk, except for his shocking ability to have sex with the female of every type of species. i guess that's cool, but...still, he's a little much of a drama queen.
plus that guy just didn't know when to quit...jodiferous, that's not one of my qualities, is it?!?
wait - i thought paco's votes didn't count.
Posted by: tufk1d | 4 janvier 2006 13h59
you are correct, mr. moon, Paco votes do not count, but he is allowed to state his opinion, I suppose. he is a drama queen. but he was slutty, so that's kinda fun. right?
thomas, i have no idea who that is, but if you vast power, that's pretty cool, right?
Posted by: Jodi
4 janvier 2006 14h25
i don't even know who i got. it says he's someone from babylon 5: John Sheridan - An experienced survivor who has maneuvered around many obstacles, you are looked up to by those who rely on your good judgment.
Posted by: arifa
4 janvier 2006 16h10
fuck. i got picard.
Posted by: river selkie | 4 janvier 2006 22h30
wait, i went back and made sure i answered the questions correctly, and i actually got john sheridan. i can handle that even though i've never seen babylon 5. he was the scarecrow in a previous life and that IS cool.
Posted by: river selkie | 4 janvier 2006 22h31
wait~! how did i not get leia!?!?! or even han solo. dammit. i think this quiz is fixed!
Posted by: river selkie | 4 janvier 2006 22h33
I'm Gandalf! I'm a wandering spirit caring for a multitude of just concerns! I bet this is because I refused to accept that jury bribe OR kill my best friend. Go me.
Posted by: Matt Schwartz | 6 janvier 2006 15h10
I am SO Princess Leia! Heh...I don't even own a bikini or have a chain for my neck.
Posted by: zanie | 9 janvier 2006 15h24