It worked it worked!
Killing a squirrel worked. It was gross, but now my cable modem works! Which means the return of the jodicam, shortly. First I have to wash off the blood.
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Killing a squirrel worked. It was gross, but now my cable modem works! Which means the return of the jodicam, shortly. First I have to wash off the blood.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Nebbish! Percy! It's safe to come out now!
Posted by: arifa
4 janvier 2006 19h25
I would never sacrifice a bunny. not even for high speed internet.
Posted by: Jodi
4 janvier 2006 19h38
A squirrel? Really? Hum ... have to remember that one.
Posted by: DrinkJack
4 janvier 2006 20h28
Bunnies are to be revered even above Yoda.
I don't care if John Motherfucking Shaft himself walks into a room, if there's a bunny in that room, the bunny is coolest.
I still can't forgive Glenn Close for her character's action against a fake bunny in Fatal Attraction. I was so rooting for her death, it wasn't funny.
Posted by: Thomas | 5 janvier 2006 6h50
Sometimes a squirrel must die for the greater good.
Posted by: Chris | 5 janvier 2006 8h45
awww... and now i love you just a little bit more thomas.
Posted by: Jodi
5 janvier 2006 10h22
gezz... it was a movie, those werent real buffalo. this kind of talk makes me what to take you all to the german no parts party... dont worry, youll get paid in advance.
Posted by: Mo Mo | 5 janvier 2006 19h41