Dear Neighbors, may I have your attention, please...
It is over. I repeat, it is over. It is now time to take down your Christmas lights, or at that very least, turn them off. Look, I appreciate their twinkly beauty as much as the next girl. I do. But Christmas lights after New Years Day? That's just gauche. You don't have to take them down, lord knows I've kept a Christmas tree up until April a time or two myself. Leave them up all year, save yourself some time, I don't care. Except for you, guy with the Christmas choo-choo train in your front yard, that thing needs to go away now.
If you must decorate your home, take a tip from local merchandisers, get ready for Valentine's day. V-day lights? Why not? It's never too early to decorate. It is, however, occasionally too late.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Jodi, you know how tolerant I am of others shortcomings. However, the sight of Christmas decorations up after 12th night (January 6th) irritates me beyond belief. It almost inspires in me the same irrational rage I feel when I cannot find my scissors.
The UK have a tradition that leaving Christmas lights up after 12th night is very bad luck for the rest if the year. I believe we need to evangelise this belief in the USA.
Perhaps you could approach people with the offending decor and get them to recall all the sad and dreadful things that have happened to them during the last year, really push this until they cry maybe. Then correlate bad stuff happening to their tardiness in removing Christmas decor.
Posted by: Louise
5 janvier 2006 22h51
I was leaving for work this morning and noticed a few neighbors still had their lights up and on (and yes, I leave for work early...darkness). Now, I've been guilty of leaving lights up for months after Christmas...but I never turned them on. As for V-Day lights, I agree. Nothing is quite as good as flashing your neighbors on V-Day.
Posted by: Chris | 6 janvier 2006 5h44
I believe the lights should be taken down, all people should also install blackout shutters on there windows. tarp thier lawns, and muzzle thier pets. casterate the young boys, and swaddle the girls, foot binding for the old folks, i say burn thier houses down, and lock em in the trunks of theiers cars push these cars into the ocean
You know how tolerant I am... these are reasonable expectations.
Posted by: William | 6 janvier 2006 9h50