50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 42
Withdrawal; be it from caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, chocolate, seratonin reuptake inhibitors or even from another person, is a bitch. That is our theme this week. My fiction to be added shortly.
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Withdrawal; be it from caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, chocolate, seratonin reuptake inhibitors or even from another person, is a bitch. That is our theme this week. My fiction to be added shortly.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Napoleon was convinced that the Russian withdrawal from the border was a sign that he was winning. Unfortunately he realized too late that it was merely a ruse intended on luring his unprepared troops into the icy maw of Mother Russia. Years later, Hitler's regime would repeat this military blunder.
Posted by: Thomas | 20 janvier 2006 8h09
The leather binds tightened across my wrists and ankles.
"The doc indicated the worse would be over in a day.", I said hesitantly.
"Trust me." she whispered, as she pulled the vibrating cock ring over my cock and around my balls.
"You'll never notice the withdrawal symptoms", she said purringly.
Posted by: DrinkJack
20 janvier 2006 16h31
during those days of hell through the sweats and chills, his conversation with god shocked him.
"you know, we're all addicts," god said, "these days....we've all got something. did you know that i'm a amateur anthropologist - YEAH! you know what? every culture has a drug - it is nearly 100% of cultures. you know why? everyone wants to know the unknown and they want to die....the kicker is that they also want to come back to life and share their experience with others. i don't understand it, reallly, considering they're just passing by an eternity of being as fucked up as keith moon on any normal tuesday afternoon in 1974."
Posted by: tufk1d | 20 janvier 2006 22h19
Telling my family was the first step. I needed their support. I spent the night gaining the courage to tell them. "How am I going to do this?" I thought. As morning arrived, I slowly walked downstairs and outright told them: "Family, I am addicted to Wesley Crusher from StarTrek."
Posted by: Paco | 23 janvier 2006 10h00