50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 43
Based on online lookups, the # 1 word for the year 2005 is "integrity." I wonder how few of those lookups came from the White House. Anyhoo... that is the theme for today.
The Importance of Hair Care
She tested the integrity of the golden braid, and climbed out the window. Why wait for some knight in shining armor to come? She didn't even like horses. Landing on the ground, she shook her short blond curls. Feeling free in more ways than one, she set off for town.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.The box for the questionable software content read, "Now with new integrated image manipulation tools that make editing photos easy!" While the integrity of said tools was not ever in doubt, it was the ease of image manipulation that was. He vowed to never again buy software from the liars!
Posted by: Thomas | 27 janvier 2006 14h26
As the politician finished speaking, an uncommon quiet crossed the room like the black death. His speech adviser begins whimpering off to the right while the entire press corps simultaneously reach for their cell phones.
A thought enters the politician's mind, "Maybe I shouldn't have ad-libbed that last part ..."
Posted by: DrinkJack
27 janvier 2006 16h42
I knew my level of integrity had dropped dramatically, in her opinion, the moment I mentioned animated super hero vegetables.
I don't know what possesed me, but I added, "They make biblical referrences, it's actually really funny!"
She protectively covered the ears of her little feline friend. She was not laughing.
Posted by: Christine | 27 janvier 2006 23h21