I'm bigger than you and higher up the food chain. Get in my belly.
I told you that I was going to do some stuff in February that ought to be good for a laugh, if nothing else. One of these things is belly dancing. My cousin, Kirsten, convinced me to take a belly dancing class with her. In truth, she didn't have to work too hard to convince me. If at all, I've been thinking about taking one for a while. It's my theory that a class like belly dancing might give me a tiny smidgeon of physical coordination. And every little bit helps.
My first class is this Thursday evening. Kirsten started last week, but I had a thing, so I couldn't go. There are belly dancing supplies that are needed for class. For example, a hip scarf. From what I understand, it's not just the ability to move in such a way as to make the little coins jingle, but also to be able to move in certain ways and not make them jingle. This is my hip scarf, currently on it's way to me via USPS:
We also have these little finger cymbals, called zills. Last week, Kirsten said she flung a zil across the room. I'm thinking, we should sharpen the edges, get really good, and then go on the market as belly dancing assassins!
I'll let you know how the whole thing works out. I just wanted to show off my little hip scarf because it's so pretty and sparkly.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I can't wait to watch you belly dance :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
14 février 2006 16h59
What Jack said! How cute! And belly dancing assasians would be a hoot! It's a great idea for an action adventure film, actually. You should write a screenplay!
Posted by: Christine | 14 février 2006 17h57
belly dancing sounds like fun. i think i already told you that, but my opinion hasn't changed any. ;)
Posted by: river selkie | 14 février 2006 22h57
Bugger! I just realised I've been here for like ever. Started to read your blog and got mesmerwebbed. Now I've done the whole Amelia thingy. I should probably be fired for wasting company time, but I'd have to fire myself and don't even know if that is legal. I can't even remember what I was looking for on the www when I landed here. Last thing I remember was the Ton Ton Machoutes. Oh well, Happy Valentines day whoever you are.
Posted by: Perry | 15 février 2006 6h55
i heard margaret cho talking about her experience with belly dancing. i looked online and it looks like you can read her essay here: http://www.margaretcho.com/blog/bellydance.htm
Posted by: arifa
15 février 2006 7h27
I'm on-board that train (the watching, not the actual dancing). And those finger cymbals? Awesome.
Posted by: Chris | 15 février 2006 7h41
I would sign up for the belly assassins corps in a heartbeat. Just say the word.
Posted by: madrigalia | 15 février 2006 9h21
how about jelly belly assassins?
imagine the headlines -
"Man killed mysteriously with buttered popcorn jelly bean through temple."
"Politician in hiding after "Dr. Pepper" jelly bean anonymously mailed to office"
and such forth.
Posted by: zeebleoop | 15 février 2006 9h40
I think I had a couple of CD's from the "Belly Dancer Assassins". Great group: It's a shame the broke up during the Grunge era.
Posted by: Thomas | 15 février 2006 10h48
I'm curious to find out how the teacher instructs students on how much coin-jingling noise to make.
Is he/she yelling things like, "OK, make change for a dollar," and "Nickle slots jackpot?"
Or is it something more subtle?
Posted by: delmer | 16 février 2006 8h02
That is one very hip scarf. Perhaps women wearing nothing but hip scarfs will become the new fashion?
Posted by: NC | 3 mars 2006 8h14