I was thinking...
I might change my name to Maria. I want the song "How do you solve a problem like Maria" to be about me. I'm pretty sure I'm a flibbertigibbet, anyway.
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I might change my name to Maria. I want the song "How do you solve a problem like Maria" to be about me. I'm pretty sure I'm a flibbertigibbet, anyway.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Now that all the Von Trapp children are grown, you wouldn't have to put up with all their step-kid shenanigans. I say go for it.
Posted by: Lewis | 21 février 2006 12h23
Oh, and thankyouverymuch for getting that song stuck in my head. Just for that...
Don't tell my heart,
my achy breaky heart,
I just don't think he'll understand.
But if you tell my heart,
my achy breaky heart,
he might blow up and kill this man.
Revenge is sweeeeeet.
Posted by: Lewis | 21 février 2006 12h36
My favorite line from the movie:
"What's wrong with all you gloomy pussies?"
Classic, man. Classic.
Posted by: Thomas | 21 février 2006 12h55
ha, nice try lewis, but i actually have songs from a different Maria musical stuck in my head. This morning, I was signing "When you're a Jet" but now I am singing "America" from West Side Story.
Posted by: Jodi
21 février 2006 13h16
Dammit! Now they're stuck in my head, too.
Don't make me get out that "Lion Sleeps Tonight" song from Lion King.
Posted by: Lewis | 21 février 2006 15h12
What happened to Oliva O.?
Posted by: DrinkJack
21 février 2006 16h46
I'm still Olivia O. That's my pen name, I think. I suppose we could all just sing How do you solve a problem like Olivia. It fits.
Posted by: Jodi
21 février 2006 16h48
Am I supposed to try to solve you? I am confused with all of the intellectual talk....
Posted by: DrinkJack
21 février 2006 19h26
Good idea. Anything to get out from under the awful cloud of that Joey Gregorash song about Jodi. It's a good thing nobody has ever actually heard that song or I might have to change mine too.
Posted by: jodi (different jodi) | 26 février 2006 9h37