True Patriot Love
It's kind of a long story, but basically, Friday, Paco sent out a link to this story. To which I replied that yes, as a blogger I was also a terrorist, but if we could please keep that to ourselves, as I was planning on going to Canada this weekend, I would appreciate it. Theories abounded about the damage I could inflict upon Canada, with my blogging. [not very much, as it turns out], however I insisted I meant no harm to Canada, indeed, I insisted that I heart Canada! Then Evildeb and I broke into a rousing rendition of O Canada. Then Paco sent out this:
Her Royal Highness, Queen Evildeb.
That's all, I just wanted to post the picture. I never made it up to Vancouver this weekend. but I live to try again soon.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Ok, knowing where you work...I am expecting better hacks :) It's good, but the breasts need to be perkier ...
Posted by: DrinkJack
21 février 2006 19h27
That is one of the best pictures, ever!
Posted by: Marie
21 février 2006 20h48
Drink Jack: Queens are not supposed to have perky boobs. They are supposed to be old and saggy to give them that wise look. I think.
Posted by: Paco | 22 février 2006 9h00
A remarkable likeness!
Posted by: madrigalia | 23 février 2006 17h21
Vancouver welcomes you.
Posted by: air | 26 février 2006 23h14