Evildeb says that AlmostCertainlyGoingToEndUpEvilMaggie won this outfit for Mimi, the Evildog, in some kind of Spin the Wheel contest. I think Mimi looks a little ashamed. And Maggie looks a little pleased about that.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.
At least we know that she will succeed EvilDeb in evilness; for the world would be thrown into chaos without the balance between normal people and EvilDeb kind.
I think you're right. Poor Mimi does look ashamed, and AlmostCertainlyGoingToEndUpEvilMaggie looks oh so pleased.
I must say though, that it's been quite awhile since I've seen a picture of AlmostCertainlyGoingToEndUpEvilMaggie, and she is just TOOOOOOOOO damn adorable!
I don't think that EvilDeb has any clue what she's in store for when she turns into ManipulativeSchemingBoysBangingDownTheDoorEvilMaggie!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.At least we know that she will succeed EvilDeb in evilness; for the world would be thrown into chaos without the balance between normal people and EvilDeb kind.
Posted by: Paco | 28 février 2006 11h56
Yep. That is one ashamed dog right there.
Posted by: michaelsean | 28 février 2006 15h31
Looking like the whole family could go evil any minute now.
Posted by: DrinkJack
28 février 2006 17h55
I think you're right. Poor Mimi does look ashamed, and AlmostCertainlyGoingToEndUpEvilMaggie looks oh so pleased.
I must say though, that it's been quite awhile since I've seen a picture of AlmostCertainlyGoingToEndUpEvilMaggie, and she is just TOOOOOOOOO damn adorable!
I don't think that EvilDeb has any clue what she's in store for when she turns into ManipulativeSchemingBoysBangingDownTheDoorEvilMaggie!
Posted by: Marie
1 mars 2006 9h11