Look... I had nothing better to do...
I am not a fan of myspace.com. I really wanted nothing to do with it. But then, suddenly, it occurred to me this afternoon that if I was not careful, someone might try to be jodiferous on myspace. And that would piss me off. So... in order to prevent it, I claimed it.
I'm not proud. However, if have a myspace account, we can be friends! Isn't that nice?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.You. Are. Brilliant.
I claimed mine too!
Though the one I really wanted was not available...
Posted by: Blair | 28 février 2006 19h43
Oh no! You joined the dark side...
Posted by: Paco | 1 mars 2006 7h23
I have a MySpace account, too, as of a couple of weeks ago. I signed up in order to read my little bro's blog, though, and have no other plans for using the space, which is MINE. We can add each other as friends, though - whoo hoo! =)
Posted by: Marie
1 mars 2006 9h22
I grabbed one a few months ago. I log in once in awhile to keep it active but really and truley, myspace.com is the devil. Not to mention how damn slow it is. Blech.
Posted by: michaelsnean | 1 mars 2006 12h58