Then and Now: Episode 21 with Feelings.. whoa whoa whoa Feeeeeelings!
How did I come across this episodes covers? I can't remember. But the original song is pretty fabulous. It's the impeccable Nina Simone. This song was featured on the second "Six Feet Under" soundtrack, which is a disc I enjoy a lot. It also features Imogen Heap singing "I'm a lonely little petunia." Can't beat that.
Feeling Good - Nina Simone
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.The Eels are pretty damn good, Nina Simone's voice turns me on.
Posted by: DrinkJack
13 mars 2006 17h28
The kids at school were probably named "Guylaine" and "Marcel Faguy." French funny names are way different than English ones.
Posted by: madrigalia | 16 mars 2006 14h22
i just realized that i loved that song and didn't know it was by nina simone. also love the cover by the eels. the buble versions is cool too. it made me think of both the grinch stole xmas and the pink panther. very nice.
Posted by: river selkie | 19 mars 2006 15h15