Walking funny
Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever become, suddenly, hyper aware of the way you walk? And once that happens, you unable to notice? Then, since you are way too aware of your walk, your legs quit working properly, your joints don't move smoothly and you walk a bit like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz. Also, it feels as tho you are walking on the surface of something very sticky, and it's hard to lift your foot off the floor... you are surprised your shoes don't make little popping noises as they pull free of the stick.
Does that ever happen to you? Or is it just me.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Every time I go to a bar :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
25 mars 2006 15h49
Yes! It's one of those things that, the more you think about, the less you can do automatically.
Posted by: Chris | 25 mars 2006 16h33
last time that happened i was trying to bowl, which is not a great time to be hyper contemplative of the way your feet work. :)
Posted by: loon
26 mars 2006 8h03
Well I didn't... UNTIL NOW!!
Now when I walk I'm all spastic-like, trying to remember how to forget that I don't have to think about walking! :-)
Posted by: Dave2 | 26 mars 2006 23h54
Is this something that happened recently. Or are you remembering an episode from the late 60's.
(I know. You weren't born in the late 60's. It's just that the opportunities to make LSD references are so few these days ...)
Posted by: delmer | 27 mars 2006 9h06
well, i'm glad it's not just me. i think...
delmer, this is something that happens all the time, but most recently, last week. and, in fact, i was born in the late 60's. that is precisely when i was born.
Posted by: Jodi
27 mars 2006 9h15