I'm quite fierce.
Every day I have a couple of web comics I read to get my day started. Some are also in the newspaper, like Get Fuzzy. But most are web only comics, like Medium Large. [on drinkatwork.com, which has lots of funny stuff every day, and is in my RSS feed 4 shur.]
One of my favorites is Lulu Eightball, by Emily Flake. It comes out every Wednesday, on the Baltimore City Paper online. Lulu is a character I can identify with. She's got flaws. Yeah. Ummm... it's Monday morning and I'm not really with it yet. I should be able to say more than "I like comic. Comic is funny." But that seems to be all I have. So I'll just show you last Wednesday's comic and maybe you'll understand.
click to enlarge.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.True, yet funny nonetheless.
Posted by: madrigalia | 27 mars 2006 11h33
I don't get it ... must be dense.
Posted by: DrinkJack
27 mars 2006 18h37
i think it's the 'i'm quite fierce' that got me.
i actually laughed outloud at that.
Posted by: the library girl | 30 mars 2006 12h36