Garbage Out, Garbage In
Me and the garbage men are going to have to have a little talk. The last couple of weeks they have been using my bins to block my access to my driveway. So I have to get out of the car and move them, before I can park my car. I've looked at everyone else's bins, around my neighborhood, they don't do that to anyone else. What's up with that? I am careful to put the proper side out, facing the street. Am I not moving them close enough to the street? are they too far back on my driveway? What is it?
God I hate a passive aggressive garbage man.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I'll bet you get your cans exactly as you like them... if you slip them a fifty!
Posted by: Dave2 | 6 avril 2006 20h30
I'll bet that they are on the corner and just like to see your fine ass get out of the car every week :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
7 avril 2006 17h38
We did it on purpose!
We wanted a mention on Jodiferous!
"Sad" you say, well what do you expect, we are Garbage Men!
Oh, by the way, we are now called 'garbage people' and are having a drive to balance the gender inequity that exists within our ranks...fancy a job Jodi?
Posted by: Garbage Men | 9 avril 2006 2h52