Soooo busy, but don't feel sorry for me.
Hi, kids! I'm taking today, through the rest of the week off from work. Today is my 7th anniversary at my P.O.E. Yay! Coincidentally, I am spending the day at the spa. I think this should be my new tradition. Every April 12th I spend at the spa.
My cousin, Kirsten, and I are going to the Korean naked lady spa. Not naked Korean ladies, well not exclusively Korean at least. It's a Korean spa, for women, and the women hang out mostly nekkid. So we call it the Naked Lady Spa. It's my first time there, but I've heard marvelous things about it. And it's fairly in expensive.
Kirsten and are going to get a package that includes a Body Scrub, Body Moisturizing, and a Massage. When you get the Body Scrub, you have to arrive early, because they want you to spend at least 30 minutes pre-soaking in the jacuzzi pool. Oh the torture. This is where the naked comes in. No bathing suits allowed. Then you are in a room with lots of other naked ladies, on an assembly line of Body Scrubbing. And they scrub you, from what I hear, EVERYWHERE. Except your face. E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E.
There are these rooms, these hot rooms, with rock and sand and stuff, that you can sweat in. It's recommended you hang out in one of these rooms after the massage. When the day is done, you are supposed to be softer than a baby's butt. People tell me they've never felt so soft, or so relaxed, in their lives. I'll let you know how it goes.
Tomorrow I am going to be in Vancouver, so head's up, Canada. If you see me, feel free to ask to touch my arm to test for extreme softness.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.What a nice way for you to celebrate my birthday. I'm touched. :-)
Although I'm not too fond of the everywhere part I think.
If you find yourself accidentally driving through Vancouver and ending up in Whistler, be sure to let us know. We are up here until Sunday.
Posted by: Lara | 12 avril 2006 12h35
Have a nice time at the Nekkid Lady Spa. Enjoy!
Posted by: Chris | 12 avril 2006 17h14
Can I get photos of your nekkid softness :)
Enjoy, sounds great.
Posted by: DrinkJack
12 avril 2006 18h06
have a good vakay!
Posted by: river selkie | 13 avril 2006 23h53