Brief update and a promise of more later...
Hello mes trésors d'Internet! I just did the best thing ever. It was the most fun. I walked into BofA with a cashiers check for thousands of dollars and paid off my car loan! This is the first time I have had a car paid off since 1999. Lola is mine all mine and no one can take her away from me, suddenly... in the middle of the night, ever again.
On a unrelated note, I have a Very Special Then and Now for you guys. But I could not post it yesterday, because I had to give all my concentration to Easter Brunch. You know... cuz of Jesus. Nyah, I am just trying to track down a song. I know I have it somewhere. Anyway, I will probably get that up tonight.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Completely paid off....damn, you be lucky.
Posted by: DrinkJack
17 avril 2006 17h38
Posted by: river selkie | 17 avril 2006 22h42
A batch of tax refunds just arrived today {including mine}, and it was like the whole city had just eaten a piping-hot cookie from the oven. Even the people in line at the bank were exchanging pleasantries.
I'm sure Lola is very happy and feels all warm and protected and stuff.
Posted by: madrigalia | 19 avril 2006 11h54
I've done that a couple of times, and I know just how good it feels - yay for you and Lola!
Posted by: Marie
21 avril 2006 9h31