I know what you are thinking...
"But Jodi, you just changed the site design last week!"
I know, but there was something that bothered me about the banner. I was totally digging the red, and I loved the heart with flames, but it didn't go with the gun babe. And I couldn't figure out how to make it work to my satisfaction, so I put it away for another day. And drew stripes. I love stripes.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Looks mighty fine, but I mainly just stare at the gun babe.
Posted by: DrinkJack
17 avril 2006 17h36
And as a fan of Modesty Blaise I totally dog the "gun babe"
Posted by: Blair | 17 avril 2006 19h17
Uhm, dig, not dog... damn cold, I sound hoarse even in my comments...
Posted by: blair | 17 avril 2006 19h18
It would be cool if you (as blogger) could set up a menu for us (the bloggees)so we could choose our own Jodi backgrounds. Obviously some supervision of Drink Jack would be required.
Posted by: Perry | 18 avril 2006 0h08
Ahhh, stripes. Love the stripes.
Posted by: Chris | 18 avril 2006 11h54
Nice to see you don't have heart-burn anymore.
But then again, it was nice to see you turn on your heart light.
Posted by: Thomas | 18 avril 2006 12h25
Thanks to Thomas I now have that awful ET song in my head.... TURN ON YOUR HEART LIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A YOUNG BOOOOYYYYSSSS DREAM... dammit dammit dammit.
Posted by: Christine | 18 avril 2006 13h39
I loved the red, and the heart, but stripes? Be still my heart - stripes just rock. Period. (So do polka-dots, but you can just tuck that idea away for another day =) )
Posted by: Marie
21 avril 2006 9h34