I found out Happy Loud Edgar #14's REAL NAME!
Do you want to know what it is? Do you do you do you? I think you should guess, and I will tell you tomorrow. It's a very pretty name. And it appears in a very old song. Maybe that is how I will reveal it, I'll post the song. It's a pretty great song.
Ok, wait... I'll give you a hint. It starts with "L." And if you guess the song, and therefore the name, you win! You win the knowledge that you are the coolest.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Layla?
Posted by: DrinkJack
24 avril 2006 17h33
How old is very old?
Her name was McGill, but she called herself Lil, and everyone knew her as Nancy.
Posted by: jodi | 24 avril 2006 18h36
How old is very old?
Her name was McGill, and she called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy.
Posted by: Jodi green
24 avril 2006 18h38
Lola, L-O-L-A Lola La la la la la la Lola...she walks like a girl but she talks like a man...
Posted by: evildeb | 24 avril 2006 20h34
Lalena…can’t blame ya. Donovan
Lara’s Theme…somewhere my love. Now that’s old, after all the Russian Revolution was 100 years ago.
Laura…tell her I love her.
Lenore…O.K. so it’s a poem (A.E. Poe), but Alan Parsons Project did loads of Poe poems as songs so it’s probably out there somewhere.
Lorelei…lots of versions.
Lucy…in the sky…
Lucretia…MacEvil, (probably a cross between Louise and Deb). Blood, Sweat & Tears.
And yes, I clearly have too much time on my hands and should concentrate on during what I am paid to do…Sheeesh.
Posted by: perry | 25 avril 2006 4h55
these are all excellent guesses, but none of them are correct. :)
Posted by: Jodi
25 avril 2006 7h51
Well then, how about Lydia, as in Lydia Purple...lives in a steeple. Collectors
Posted by: perry | 25 avril 2006 8h20
Or how 'bout Lucille, you took a long time to leave me...
Posted by: perry | 25 avril 2006 8h23
actually, strike that last one, you said it was a pretty great song.
Posted by: perry | 25 avril 2006 8h24