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Sometimes it's best to mind your own business

Good afternoon, my internet monkeys, I send you banana flavored kisses.

I've had a headache for a couple of days, my brain is going "poundy poundy" which may be why I found this so delightful.

Now, I am not one to promote violence... no, not me. And, the lady in red may be the nicest sweetest, most wonderfulest woman in the world. But she had the air of the busy body to me, and, in my over-inflated opinion, she'd probably been asking for a punch for a long time. Never assume your thoughts on a matter are going to be welcomed.

I'm going to design a Sports Racer logo for Ze Frank's The Show, so I can join the League of Awesomeness and get a Sports Racer name. Don't know what I am talking about? Go watch it, it's part of my morning routine. My favorite part. Even over brushing my teeth.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

I watched this about a dozen times. Too bad there wasn't a loop option :)

what was that?!