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I can lose the weight. You can't lose the stupid!

No, not you guys, you don't have the stupid. It's those other guys.

So my jeans are feeling a bit saggy. I can pull them off without unzipping them. I'm inordinately proud of this fact. It's a wonder I don't go around showing everyone. I just tried on a pair of jeans that is a size smaller than what I normally wear, I keep 'em around for just this type of experiment. They fit. So I did a cheat weigh in. Supposed to only weigh yourself once a week. My day is Saturday.

Here is the thing, in Weight Watchers, the first goal they have you set is to lose 10% of your total body weight. Well, I surpassed it. And then some. I've lost a total of 21.8 lbs in about six weeks. According to WW, I am losing weight too quickly. More than 2lbs a week. But what's a girl to do? I'm even cheating! Yesterday, I was a very naughty girl! I'm definitely not eating too little. Trust me. I snack all day long at work. And I did not drink all my waters yesterday. Or today.

I'm not going to stress about it, because I am sure I will plateau any minute now. And then i will be all sad, and remember the days when I was just showering the weight off. Besides, it's hard to be too upset about being successful on a diet, you know what I mean?


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Wow, bravo! I tried to lose weight recently. I am fortunate that I've never had a weight problem...maybe a tiny bit underweight when I was young, but was able to eat anything in any quantity with little effect. In the last year, it all caught up with me and I gained 5 kilos some how. I need to loose 4 of these to be in the middle of ideal weight...and I just can't do it. Therefore I have huge admiration for anyone who can loose weight, keep it off and be cheerful in the process.

It's a wonder I don't go around showing everyone...

No, but you can go around telling everyone. That's just as fun. Almost.

Do the snot green pants fit again, yet? =)

nicely done, jodes! that's amazing! i think losing weight too quickly is mostly a problem when people are doing stupid things like crash diets.

Well, if you are needing to show someone, just head my direction :)

Congrats, you have surpassed a sack of potatoes!

i too recently dropped a bag of potatoes from my body and boy does it feel great, funny want squeezing out a 8lb kid will do to a girls body...but you're right the plateau sucks, but i think i've almost made it to the other side. bye bye booty.