Blogging under the influence.
A while back, I went on a hunt for some really good vodka with KK. It's a vodka that is special ordered for a bar somewhere on capital hill. Only one, ok two, liquor stores in the state of WA carry it. Since the liquor stores are run by the state, they can tell you things like this. It's called Bison Grass. I'd provide the link for you, but I've just had a very strong cocktail using my Bison Grass vodka. Oh dear, I just gave away the ending. We found the vodka. Well, we put ourselves down on the waiting list, and then they called us, and then we found the vodka. It has a slight cinnamon taste to it. Makes a good White Russian. I, however, make an accidentally strong White Russian.
Oh well, I guess it's not that good of a story. I only had one cocktail. Who knew it would be so much stronger than the ones in the bars. I don't drink very often. What's more, I'm lying on my bed typing sidewise, which shouldn't even be attempted under the most sober of circumstances.
I had a fight with a friend. I don't even know if we'll be friends anymore. This has nothing to do with the cockytail. It's just an aside, because it's very sad. I'm a little worried about it. And Pru is trying to sleep on the keyboard.
Have ya'll seen that show on TLC called Miami Ink? I kinda like it. Tattoos are cool.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Don't leave it too long to resolve the situation with your friend. A litle bit of time can help to get things into perspective, too much time can result in a pebble being perceived as Mt Rushmore. Good Luck!
Posted by: perry | 2 mai 2006 23h29
if i ever get out of the dark pit of debt i currently reside in i will go to miami to have kat work her magic on my ink is more my style than inked, the later is like the trailer park boys of tattoo shows, it must have something to with location.
Posted by: birdie | 3 mai 2006 4h46
p.s. found you through hot action, you're a good find.
Posted by: birdie | 3 mai 2006 4h48
Y'know, I haven't had a good vodka in a long time. Probably since we got shittered on Russian vodka in Das Deutch Haus in university and quaffed teacups of the stuff with our kielbasa and rye.
Oohh! It's Polish! And (courtesy of the LCBO site), there are 15 bottles at the liquor store downtown.
Perfect. I'll get back to you.
Posted by: madrigalia | 3 mai 2006 7h58
well...i gope you are clear headed again soon, sans vomit, and fix whatever can be fixed. best wishes.
Posted by: river selkie | 3 mai 2006 11h37
Hopefully the vodka is in the freezer ready for another pour :)
Friends are supposed to fight, and then forgive.
Posted by: DrinkJack
3 mai 2006 16h57
been a long time since i visited and when i do, you are talking about my favorite vodka. it's polish- called zubrowka (pronounced zhoo-broov-ka). I first had it in Warsaw in a drink called a czarlotka, which is basically zubrowka and white house apple juice. very nice.
Posted by: mark | 5 mai 2006 13h55