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I've spent a few hours geeking out today, doing top secret things to my blog. For one, I've set up a new Feedburner feed, in order to better track my stats. I have attempted to set up a redirect in an .htaccess file, so that anyone who subscribes to my feed will be redirected, but I don't know if that's working. I hope so, because otherwise the stats are pretty useless.

Additionally, I have set up hot link protection so the little creeps at myspace.com can no longer hot link to my images and use them in their profiles. It drives me NUTS. If you have any issues seeing images that I've posted, please let me know. If you want to hot link something, just ask me. I have no problem with people I know hot linking. I just have to add you to the acceptable list.

In fact, here is a test image of me, and my favorite drug of choice.



Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

You are the second person I know that is going with feedburner. Let me know if you like it.

Oh, and the photo....hot. You are just too cute :)

Do you have a replacement image for hotlinkers?

With search terms like that, something tells me those MySpacers will be all over that hotlinked image goodness. :P Ha ha. Suckers.