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Pet talk with KK

Yesterday, cubeplex neighbor KK and I were chatting about something, I don't know what, but I am sure it was totally work related, and the conversation turned to dogs. I am a cat person. But I do like dogs. Just more on an individual basis. Whereas I pretty much love all cats. KK is a former owner of greyhounds.

Jodi: i like lazy dogs.
KK: me too
Jodi: lazy dogs who like to nap.
KK: lazy dumb dogs are the best
Jodi: dogs who are practially cats.
KK: greyhounds! they really are cat-dogs
Jodi: i've heard they are pretty laid back.
KK: yes they are...they have about 10 min. of crazy energy a day and you don't have to do anything to get them to use it up. stand in a field/yard and they run circles till they're tired. just perfect. and it's realy hard to know what they're thinking (like cats) they are pretty aloof and aren't sloppy lickers or mega tail waggers. a perfectly happy greyhound will stand in front of you and stare.
KK: yeah, I miss them :) truly are cat-dogs.
Jodi: pru would not like it.
KK: she'd be jelous I'm sure
Jodi: would it do ok with a cat?
KK: depends on the dog. I had a cat living with my 2 for awhile. Once they were introduced and they learned the cat was off limits, I didn't have a problem
Jodi: maybe some day I could adopt one. when i have a house. and I can build a dog run.
KK: houses make it easier for sure
Jodi: either adopt a greyhound, or a chinese baby girl. one of the two.
Jodi: i would name my chinese baby girl after my bunny. i'd name her Phoebe.
KK: that's a nice name
Jodi: works well for rabbits, as well as daughters.
KK: so versatile!
Jodi: but, once again, better to wait until i have a house.
KK: yeah, I was just going to say that
Jodi: i'd need to build a chinese baby girl run.
KK: you know, once you get a house you could probably get BOTH
Jodi: could they share the same run, do you think? or would i need a dog run AND chinese baby girl run?
KK: probably, the dog could help keep her warm at night too so you wouldn't have to havea heat lamp
Jodi: i'd probably let her in at night. let her sleep in the laundry room. the dog that is.
Jodi: the chinese baby girl would have her own room. sheesh. what are you thinking?
KK: I was being practical and consolidating on space and resources. Coming up with ways for things to mulit-functional. What else would I be thinking ?
Jodi:true. you are right.
KK: you haveto think this way when you are providing for others
KK: gotta be practical
KK: and stuff
Jodi: hmmm... i am learning a lot from you. thank you for your generosity.
KK: sure, anytime. I'm full of it
Jodi: i'll say


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I'm curious ... is your cat named for Phoebe from Catcher in the Rye.

Based on what a person might gather from your blog-persona, it would make sense.

My husband suggested something similar at my house. He said if I really wanted my own office I could carve out some space in the chicken house. I was not amused. :-)