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I was thinking...

I'm going to dress up like Zorro for Halloween. It's not to early to start thinking about it, you know.

What about you guys?


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Lego Batman!

If Dave will ever get off his butt and send me that Wonder Woman pic ... er, um, uh ... Darth Vader.

(I'm going for a little blog cross-pollination here).

zorro is so last year! haha.

no, zorro really is cool! will it make you not want to be zorro if i tell you i was a femme zorra last year?

I am going to dress up as an EMO teenager. I hate EMO kids. They are so annoying! Goth people were cool. Punks were cool. But this hybrid of the two? No good. To get a better idea of what that would look like, study this site: http://www.sykospark.net/emo/

no, river, it will not deter me. :)

Delmer, no means no!

i've done bettie before (page, that is) so i probably should pull out something different this year. plus with the movie there will likely be enough of them on the town. maybe boop instead, enid from ghost world, a robot assassinor even annie, god love a red afro and a red dress.

howie just got a banana costume for bay to breakers, so i was thinking i might get one and put a goatee on it and be the evil banana twin.