Pet show and tell.
I was responding to Delmer's comment below, when I decided my responding comment was long enough to be a post. With pictures.
Q: I'm curious ... is your cat named for Phoebe from Catcher in the Rye.
Based on what a person might gather from your blog-persona, it would make sense.
A: it was actually my bunny who was named Phoebe. She died 4 years ago this summer, which broke my heart, but she was the coolest bunny ever. And that is precisely what i tell people when they asked why i named her Phoebe. People thought it was because of either Friends, or that show about the witches, Charmed. But in truth, I got the name from the book. But we mostly called her The B.
Of course, if I name my daughter Phoebe, I will say it's after my bunny, and not some book. :)
Prudence, my cat, I named after a rag doll I had when I was a kid, that my grandmother used to try to steal from me, telling me that Prudence would rather live with HER. Which I never believed. My Moür Moür was a terrible liar, and her daughter didn't raise no fool. But again, people think I named her from that Charmed show. I didn't even know there was a Phoebe and a Pru on that show until after I got my cat. Never watched it.
And as long as well are talking pets, here is the dog who is responsible for me liking quiet, sweet, lazy dogs. ... Bunker. We had him for 17 years.
Look at me! I have devil eyes!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Awwww....The B! She was so cool, even when she grunted at me. I think she liked me.
Posted by: Marie
9 mai 2006 19h56
i can't even talk about adorable pets right now! my brain is still wrapped up in veronica mars!
DUDE! duuuuuudde...
Posted by: river selkie | 9 mai 2006 22h01
Sorry about the bunny/cat mix-up.
My friend, Ron G., had a cat named Phoebe (from the book) back in '81. Also, I'd just read your Greyhound/Cat post. I had cats at the forefront of my brain while bunnies were several positions back.
And, I just gave my doctor an incorrect birthday for myself. Obviously I'm not the clearest thinker this week. (Maybe if I could purge unneeded memories -- like Ron's cat's name from 25 years ago I'd have more room for current events ... and my birthday.)
Posted by: delmer | 10 mai 2006 4h48
you are all so lovely, and pru and phoebe are lovely names. as for chrmed apparently i look like the character piper. at it's peak in popularity little girls used to come up to me on the street and ask for my autograph. i was always disappointed because i thought she was the least sexy tv 'star' i know.
Posted by: birdie | 10 mai 2006 6h35
Birdie, from one guys perspective she is the most physically attractive of the four if that helps at all. Of course this comes from a guy who has watched Charmed more than once, which might not make me the prime example of everything that is male.
It occurs to me I have never read Catcher in the Rye, I should fix that.
Good pictures of sleep / lazy animals Jodi. It saddens me that I don’t have any pictures of my long time friend and cat, French Fry Demands Attention. (Yes, that was her name and if you knew her it made perfect sense.) After over ten years I still miss her.
Posted by: lordplatypus
10 mai 2006 9h06
Oh, I also forgot to mention that in that last pic, you look almost exactly like Victor's daughter, Lauren!
Posted by: Marie
10 mai 2006 16h23
Damn cool looking bunny. It has your style.
Posted by: DrinkJack
10 mai 2006 16h55
the b will always have a special place in my heart for turning me into a crazy bunny lady.
Posted by: arifa
11 mai 2006 20h56