The most exciting thing I saw all weekend
I saw a squirrel attacked by a large crow the other day. I think the squirrel, who was on the small side, was poking around something the crow thought of as his food source. In the middle of the road. The crow chased after the squirrel, got ahold of it's tail in it's evil crow claws, and lifted it off the ground. He couldn't hold it for long, and dropped it, at which point the squirrel got away. Lucky for the crow, cuz I was in my car driving down my street, when I saw this, and I was in the process of pulling over to come to the squirrel's rescue.
I'm not overly fond of birds.
Except for ducks. I like ducks.
It was a pretty quiet weekend.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.See, I thought this was going towards how you got a two-for-one deal on a natural speed bump.
Posted by: DrinkJack
14 mai 2006 18h32
Squirrel got away, good story. Today I realize what a ass I was not looking and stepping on a innocent snail. It may sound stupid but here is stupid me rushing out and smash. At least the Squirrel had a better day.
btw, I like your blog. Thanks
Just a little shy to show URL: you have talent girl. :-)
Posted by: Mark | 14 mai 2006 22h02
I hate crows (and rooks and jackdaws, etc.) They nest in my chimneys. On Sunday they woke me up early, cavorting at the top of the chimney in my bedroom. I had to pull out their attempts at nesting which was a ton of sticks and sheeps time don't think, just point Lola and press hard on the loud pedal.
Posted by: perry | 15 mai 2006 1h15
Okay, when I first read this, I dropped the R in "crow" and thought there was a giant squirrel-on-cow fight. Which would be worth seeing.
Posted by: Chris | 15 mai 2006 8h06
Did EvilDeb tell you her seagull vs. baby ducky story?
Posted by: Lloyd | 15 mai 2006 16h08
Sure some ducks can be very cute and nice and they are very progressionist waterfowl, but some of them can be evil, Very Evil.
Posted by: lordplatypus
16 mai 2006 15h53