I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like.
I know there is a lot of concern about me buying a bike. Which bike to chose, is it the right bike for me, is it worth the money. I want you all to rest assured... the chances of me actually buying the bike are slim. Last week, I was looking at cars to buy. The week before, I was looking up spa vacations in exotic locations well beyond my budget. I seem to be going through a phase. Anyway, Louise did purchase that bike, and I will ride hers before I do anything. Let's face it, the chances of me riding my bike a great deal are not good. I'm not going to buy one unless I think I will ride it. We'll see.
In the meantime, go look at this necklace and tell me what it says to you. I've quizzed a couple of people... it's kinda like a Rorschach test. But with jewelry instead of ink blots. I'll tell you what it says to me tomorrow.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.to me, it says, I am a cutter, and I am proud. (insert lionlike roar here)
Posted by: blair | 17 mai 2006 17h17
"I will slit your throat if you betray my love?"
Don't ask me, I spent four years studying opera plots.
Posted by: madrigalia | 17 mai 2006 18h27
Love hurts and can make you want to take your own life.
Posted by: Marie
17 mai 2006 18h41
i love cutting (myself so much) i keep this handy dandy razorblade handy at all times. and now, since to show how cool and fashionable i am (and cutting) you can get this cute little razorblade necklace with sweet little cut-out heart.
innit gorgeous!
not. i hate it.
Posted by: river selkie | 17 mai 2006 19h21
Cocaine. I must have watched too much Miami Vice.
To those who associated with self harm...I find you very scary.
Posted by: perry | 18 mai 2006 1h27
Yeah, that's kinda disturbing. Kinda like "here, I love you, now off yourself".
Posted by: Chris | 18 mai 2006 5h33
My first thought was cocaine.
Wait. My first thought was, "I could make one of those. I wonder if they do anything to keep it from rusting." And then I read the part where it was made from silver. Which explained the non-rusting part and put it in the I-can't-make-one category.
Posted by: delmer | 18 mai 2006 6h16
Baby's first razor? Does it come with a mirror playset and/or a washing tub filled with circulating warm water? Press on "cut by number" prison tattoos?
Posted by: Thomas | 18 mai 2006 8h30
i haven't read today's post yet, so i'm commenting. to me, this necklace is teenage suicidal obsession in necklace form.
Posted by: arifa
19 mai 2006 13h10
My first impression was that the person who would wear this necklace is messed up or very angry, but still has a place in her heart for love.
Posted by: lordplatypus
21 mai 2006 2h54
possibly surprising, but i just found it edgy and cute.
Posted by: birdie | 21 mai 2006 19h54