Food issues
Loud Happy Edgar is aware of my diet, she has been monitoring my progress. A few days ago, she said to me, "AAAIYYY - MORNING! You look SMALLER!"
She asked me how much weight I had lost, and I told her. She asked me how much more I wanted to lose, and I told her. She leaned over the counter and slowly checked me out from top to bottom and back up again.
"WHERE THOSE POUNDS GOING TO COME FROM? You lose them, you will be BONES!"
It's not remotely true, but it's sweet of her to say.
There hasn't been many exciting updates on the diet. I lost 24 pounds very quickly. And, not surprisingly, I shot back up to -15 just as quickly. Now the pounds are coming back off, but slooooowly. Nothing to exciting about losing weight you thought you'd already lost. I'll get excited again when I get beyond -24. Or my size smaller pants start to fall off. That's always fun.
Remember the Girls Who Eat Meat Lunch Club? We changed the name. Due to our work schedules, lunch was always difficult to pin down. Besides, we didn't want to limit ourselves. We are now the Girls Who Eat Meat Adventure Club. Or, GWEMAC. We are using my blog banner to create a tshirt design. Because no event has emotional significance unless there is a tshirt to go along with it. Roughly, something like this...
Haven't figured it all out yet, but we definitely like the drumstick. When I stick it up on cafepress, I figure I should also get a tshirt done. Can't believe I haven't done that yet.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.GWEMAC! awesome!
also, you totally need a shirt. i would totally buy one. :)
Posted by: Judy
26 mai 2006 11h13
Oh!!!! I got it. You need a cow that has the dotted lines outlining the good eating parts off to the right side.
Posted by: DrinkJack
26 mai 2006 15h53