Oh man, the fun just keeps coming!
I figure ... what's the point of having a webcam if people can't say hi to me while they spy on me? Right? So I added a shoutbox./tagboard thingy. So, if you are looking at me, you'd better say Hi! I'm sure I will tweak it further later...
Thanks to Philip at swordfight.org for telling me it was called a shoutbox in the first place.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Hi ! I'm just a french girl. I don't speak / write english very well... So, sorry for my mistakes...
I clicked on your webcam. One day, my curiosity will kill me. I know, I know... But, your blog is great. I like it...
Au revoir...
Posted by: Laurence | 28 mai 2006 15h42
Now I can actively harass you :)
Have you thought about putting the shoutbox side by side, so that I don't have to scroll down so much? Then again, I couldn't slide it to the side and have it always up :) Oh the design decisions that you must have outlined in Acrobat.
Posted by: DrinkJack
28 mai 2006 16h14