Just my geek opinion
If you create a pdf manual, and it's over 3 pages long and you don't include bookmarks ,and hyperlinks in the TOC, you are an IDIOT!
Just my humble opinion and one of my pet peeves. Ummm... sorry if you, dear reader, create pdf manuals without bookmarks now. I don't mean you. I mean those other guys.
Adobe Certified "Expert" - Acrobat CS2.
[[it's true. laughably so]]
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Well, duh!
What was up with "lord's" comment on the last post?
Posted by: DrinkJack
28 mai 2006 15h17
DrinkJack: I was just quoting tag-board's FAQ about popups. I just though it was funny, I probably should have been more clear. Sorry.
Writing a manual sounds hard. I am still trying to figure out how to comment my code without it seeming that without a keyboard I would be writing with crayons.
Posted by: lordplatypus
28 mai 2006 22h52
And it was very helpful because I did not even realize there would be popup ads. yuck. so i found a different solution, smiletabg, which is pretty and ad free.
Posted by: Jodi
29 mai 2006 11h58