Smilers never lose and frowners never win.
Sorry kids, I've been in one of those frazzled moods that have made it difficult to focus on any one topic long enough to complete a thought. Bad for blogging. Bad for anything that requires focus, really. I should meditate or something.
I will say this, I have finalized my spa treatments and made my reservation requests. I seem to have little trouble focusing on that.
I will also say this much, for now, The Eels show? HELL YEAH!!!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Without the desire to sound worryingly lascivious the thought of you covered in chocolate has crossed my mind more than once…
I hope you have a great time.
Posted by: lordplatypus
6 juin 2006 19h51
it's ironic...that title...
Posted by: river selkie | 6 juin 2006 23h24
Thank you, I had forgotten that jaunty little tune, sung by Pebbles and Bam-Bam.
By the way, The "Great" Gazoo? He was a total prick.
Posted by: Thomas | 7 juin 2006 5h49
The Eels? Cool! When's the show?
Posted by: Marie
7 juin 2006 9h45
This morning I didn't get it, but when I got home I got it, so now I get it, got it?
Posted by: perry | 7 juin 2006 13h59
i got it, perry! :)
Posted by: river selkie | 7 juin 2006 17h36
Jodi - did you tag me yesterday with the frazzled mood blog thing? Cause I got it!
Posted by: Blair | 7 juin 2006 19h27
Did I miss something....?
Posted by: Marie
7 juin 2006 20h18
/velma voice/ i made a cover mix cd for perry and jodi and one of the songs on it was the band frente! covering the flintstones song, "open up your heart and let the sun shine in"...the blog title is lyrics from that song. /end velma voice/
Posted by: river selkie | 7 juin 2006 21h48
ahhhh.....I see. Thanks for the explination. =)
Posted by: Marie
8 juin 2006 14h23