Hey man, now you are really living.
Sunday was a big day for the GWEMAC. Busy day, much to do, many things planned. I'll start with the last thing first, since it really was my favorite. Except for maybe the Cock Dishes part, mostly because I do so love to laugh, but I'll explain that later. Rounding out our day was the Eels Show at the Showbox.
If you know me, you know I don't really like crowds, and I don't like strangers in my personal space. So, when I tell you that next time I see the Eels, I plan on wearing less restrictive, more breathable, clothing, comfortable shoes, my hair up, and no heavy handbag so I can GIT UP FRONT AND ROCK, you'll understand how much I enjoyed the show.
We arrived after Eels took the stage, because of the aforementioned busy day. I think, that my favorite part was the Security Guy. He's our New Boyfriend. Technically, KK called him first, but going to the show was my idea, so I think we'll have to split him. Tessa and Louise are out of luck unless they want to fight us for him. I don't know what his name is, but at first I thought he really was just stage security guy, he was a big musclely guy with a shaved head, biker glasses and mutton chops, tattoos and a black tshirt that said SECURITY on it. But then he started to dance. During some songs, he would just stand there, with his arms crossed over his chest, looking out on the audience. Often he would say some kind of non-sequitor in between songs. However, when he started to dance, he really got into it, it was awesome. The dancing sometimes had a theme. One time, he was martial arts dancing. Another, he was boxing and while dancing. Sometimes he sang, and sometimes he played an instrument. But then he'd just go back to standing there. Between songs, he would call the lights up, and E would point people out to him. He'd snap on a new rubber glove and start hi-fiving the people that E pointed out. Once, he very gingerly brought up a heckler guy, being very careful and courteous, and then he bum rushed him off the other side of the stage.
All in all, a great show. E sang a Screamin Jay Hawkins song and you can't go wrong with that. I'll talk about the rest of the day later.
Ok, today is Lloyd and Evildeb's 21st wedding anniversary. Everyone say Happy Anniversary to them.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Happy Anniversary! or should that be Happy EVIL Anniversary...
Posted by: Judy
8 juin 2006 13h16
Posted by: perry | 8 juin 2006 15h48
happy evilversary!
Posted by: river selkie@hotmail.com | 8 juin 2006 19h25
Happy Evilversary to Lloyd and EvilDeb! I have another friend who is celebrating her anniversary today, and she's known as "wickedy". Coincidence? I think not.
Posted by: Marie
8 juin 2006 20h24
Happy annievilversary....
I hope you got my pictures of ant porn from Jodi...
and I want the security guard as a BFF, because anyone that does katate dancing just has to be cool and is worthy of my succumbing to even having someone I could call BFF (sorry, that acronym makes me vomit just a little)...
Posted by: mdstblz
8 juin 2006 21h17
imagining him snapping on gloves to high five people had me giggling here. good thing i'm at home where i can chuckle freely.
Posted by: arifa
9 juin 2006 9h08
seriously you guys, he was THE BEST. i totally want him to be my Best Friend.
Posted by: Jodi
9 juin 2006 10h25
Glad the Eels show was good. Not hard to believe E would put on a good show at all.
Posted by: Chris | 9 juin 2006 11h38